Contemporary Developments of Social Media by Chelsey

Contemporary Developments of Social Media Statistics from the website statistica show that in the USA in 2017 81% of the population uses some form of social media. This is believed to rise and the 2.34 billion users worldwide in 2017 will rise to an estimated 2.95 billion by 2020. Social media is evolving everyday. Nowadays it is common for social media to be used by businesses as an effective marketing tool. Businesses will find ways to market on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter because they know that there advertisements can be seen instantly after posting and also that they can be sent to thousands of people at the one time meaning it takes less time. In the 21st century social media has been a game changing trend within the way that people now communicate. This has meant that the social media population has grown from a few million people to a few billion people. Today individuals and organisations use social media to stay focused and connected an...