Social Presence,Social Capital,Social Production&Social Intelligence by Amanda

Social Presence,Social Capital,Social Production&Social Intelligence

Social presence is a quality of communication medium. The mediums that are highly sociable are known as warm and personal, mediums that are low in social presence is known as less personal. There are different types of communication medium however here are two categories of this Physical media and mechanical media. Physical media this is not just being able to hear the message but being able to see their body language this usually occurs when dealing with high concern messages for example: large meetings, department meetings, up close and personal, video conferencing and or viral communication or word of mouth. Mechanical media this means written or electronic channels they can be used for archiving messages or given the bigger picture to the message. This includes things like emails, personal letters, billboards, intranet, magazines, SMS and social media. A research done by a couple of researchers in 2001 found that overtime social presence decreases. However in 2002 another researcher found that this does not occur. From my research I have gathered a way to social presence for students which are to answer emails right away, share personal stories and experiences, use expressions of emotions and speak to friends during the week you shouldn't always have to wait till the weekend to do so.

Social Capital was termed that was introduced in the 70's of the twentieth century by Pierre Bourdieu and was later developed by James Coleman. They both have different ways of explaining what this concept is and different ways to understand it. This term describes the capital used for organised society which is in the process of production and life. The value of this is used for mutual social relationships and trust units it is more beneficial from a social and economic point of view. These are the ties that rely on a sense of identity. This may be friends, family or distant friends, colleagues and associates.

Social Production this when you have a great amount of people in a cooperate manner this occurs without knowing it.It usually occurs on the internet.An example of this will be if you go to a concert with thousands of people  and recorded it and you then decide to post on You Tube.Then this way if you didn't attend the concert technically you haven't missed it as you can now watch it online and enjoy it the same way.Another example can be Facebook you post of video at you at this beach however these people have not been there however they are bale to now see this which means they are able to see this place just like you.

Social intelligence a definition was first given by Edward Thorndike in 1920 this simply means to build a relationship and go through social environments. It is different types of behaviours and ways of people’s communication between each other it is hard in situations when people's emotions are not positive. It does ensure that the person who is receiving the messaging doesn't take it in the wrong way or of what it is actually meant. It is useful for dealing with other people and to ease tension against each other when communication with other people. It causes and effect on our social skills because we tend not to take other people's feeling into consideration whilst communicating with them in any shape or form.


  1. Great post. I like how you write about social intelligence and the way people may mistake the way the other is communicating. This happens quite a lot on social media and people who don't know how to present themselves socially over social media may want to read this to understand better. This would really help others!

  2. Very well written post. I like how you have broken your topic down into smaller subjects. This makes it easier for people who are reading your blog post to understand the concepts you are talking about. Just for in future I would try and make sure that all your writing is the same size and same font just to ensure that it looks consistent and better presented.

    1. Thank you Chelsey would you this recommendation for in the future.

  3. I like how you've incorporated the images to go with each topic, that is a good touch. It is easy to read and flows very well, i enjoyed reading and learning about the social intelligence.

    1. Thank you it is great that you have gain some knowledge based off my topic.

  4. Great information and a well thought out blog, my only advice would be to link the study that you mentioned so we can all read that as well.


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