Evolution of Social Media by Freya

How social media has evolved!!!

Facebook was first open to the public in 2006, twitter appeared in 2007, Instagram appeared in 2010 and Snapchat was created in 2011.

As social media progresses, more and more updates keep taking place and new apps keep coming out and older social apps seem to either become underused or just non existent any more. Social media keeps trying to improve the sites everyday by adding new features, new updates to the social media means that many people will carry on enjoying and using the sites.
The only issue with developing social media apps, is that other apps usually copy on to ideas.

Over the years of social media, the bosses have been trying to make it as open as possible so people can interact with people all over the world  so you can interact with your friends and family, as they are making it and open and friends place to interact with.
A current development in social media, Facebook has a reaction button now on Facebook posts, pictures and messages, it is a good way to show people how you feel about what has been said or even just shared, considering until recently you couldn't show a reaction.

Another development of Facebook and Instagram is now that you can post a story, such as photos or videos of how your feeling throughout your day. This lets all your followers know how your felling and what your doing. This has followed the trend of what Snapchat is used for.

Here is a short video about social media history

The first noticeable social media site was six degrees, it was founded by Andrew Weinreich in May 1996 and was launched the following year 1997. It was used to send messages and post bulletin board items to people. The site had millions of users, due to the lack of people connected to the internet it and before it could evolve it was sold in December 2000 to youthstream media.

MSN Messenger was connected to MSN e-mails, it was founded by Microsoft Corporation. It was a quick way to interact with friends from around the world and at home. It was released in July 1999 and was discontinued in 2013.

Bebo was an other social media site which was created by Michael and Xochi Birch. It launched in July 2005 which was only available through the internet not on an app. The founders sold Bebo to AOL for $850 million in 2008. In 2013 Micheal Birch bought bebo back and after a year they redesigned it by scraping the original builed. It is a mixture of whatsapp and snapchat, which is more of a social messaging app. Bebo has also created a beboji, which is a character/avatar to represent a specific action.


  1. Great Information. Would love to learn more about other social media websites such as linkdn

    1. Thank you for your feedback and I will take this on board for my next blog.

  2. Great information there but I think you could have touched on the subject of where social media can go in the future.

    1. Thank you, i will remember this for the future.


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