Characteristics of Different Types of Social Media by Chelsey

I am going to choose a few different types of Social Media and talk about the characteristics of each one.


One of the main characteristics that people like about Facebook is that it has the capacity to allow you to reconnect with old friends and also family members. This means that you can keep in touch with people online.

Facebook allows you to add people as friends on your profile which means that you can share memories and posts with all the people who you have decided to add as a friend.
Facebook allows you to share opinions and common interests publicly and get feedback from others.
According to the blog here are some of the reasons that people tend to use Facebook
  • To remember family and friends birthdays
  • Read the news
  • Attention seeking
  • Secretly watch what people are doing in their daily lives
  • Because they are bored
  • To promote their business
  • Support certain causes
  • Connect with friends and family who aren't local


A characteristic of twitter is that it is mainly used for promotional purposes. This means that people are more likely to promote things and their posts are pretty meaningless because anyone can follow and see what you have written. This makes people less likely to be as personal on their twitter posts than they are on Facebook.

The reasons people like to use twitter are:

  • Sharing information on businesses worldwide
  • Read the news
  • Connect with friends and family
  • A way to blog


A main characteristic of instagram is that posts are often consistent. This is a good thing because it means that posts that are displayed consistently are more likely to be effective. I believe that the more people see something on a post the more inclined they would be to buy it or look into it in a bit more detail.

The reasons why people use Instagram are:

  • Form of micro blogging meaning its quicker to share and be more visual than other social media platforms
  • Do different challenges which they find interesting and fun
  • Follow people and things that interest you


Snapchat is a bit different in the way it works to the social media that has already been discussed.
Snapchat is a mobile messaging app which gets used to share photos, text, videos and drawing.
It is a free app and has now also built in a feature during their latest so that you can text. The difference with Snapchat to the other forms of Social media is that the posts and messages that you send and will receive only stay for a short amount of time and then they disappear meaning you cannot refer back to them at a later date. 
Snapchat in my opinion is more aimed at the younger generation because I feel that you can have more fun on it whilst communicating than you do in any of the other Social media platforms.   

The reasons I have found that people mainly use and like Snapchat is:

  • People feel safer with Snapchat because they know that people cannot screenshot there content without them knowing.
  • Quick and easy way to keep in contact with others
  • People can have a laugh with friends e.g. sending funny pictures and videos


  1. I like the information that you have shared. I would of liked to see photos of these put into action. For example: a business writing a tweet on twitter.

  2. I would have liked to have seen a bit more about instagram, but other than that it is well write. The only down fall i would say is there is no photos, to represent what you are talking about.

  3. Awesome blog! You could have mentioned other social media platforms like Tumblr and Youtube.

  4. Would of like to see more characteristics and if possible a little more detail


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