Ethical Issues in Social Media by Freya

Social Media is generally portrayed to be a positive platform among society, but people tend to forget the ethical issues behind social media. The most worrying is that young people are possibly the most vulnerable when it comes to social media.

Below is a list of ethical issues I will talk about:


When it comes to social media no one can 100% guarantee that they are speaking to the person they say they are. How can we trust people through social media when it is easy for people to conceal their identity, by stealing other people images and pretending to be someone else.

As we are aware of all social media sites use data, but the problem of data privacy has become worse by the growing amount of people using social media and not aware of or even paying little to no attention to privacy issues for themselves or others. Although term and conditions were always made aware of at the beginning of singing up, but we as users tend to pass by them and hope for the best. This is allowing a gateway access of breach of personal information. 

Data leakage

In Social media sites, data leakage problems can be traced back where it is possibly  caused by user’s minimal awareness and understanding on the ethical privacy and protection value on the policies used by each respective social networking sites.

Regular updates on social medias and shared information on  timelines, such as current interest and location which are shown publicly as user’s activities can be manipulated and compiled as a valuable data source of information in data leakage.

In June 2013, Facebook disclosed that they had inadvertently exposed six million users’ phone numbers and email addresses to unauthorised viewers over the past year and blamed the data leaks on a technical glitch in its massive archive of contact information collected from its 1.1 billion users worldwide
This is not the first time where Facebook has been accused and revealed for data leakage, there have a been several reports earlier in 2010 where the largest social networking sites has been disclosed to leak personal data from Facebook Apps to third parties. 

There are around 2.2 Billion Facebook users. There was data breach of 2018 that happened with facebook that affected 87 million users would get a message on their own faceebook feeds regarding the issue. Facebook discovered information had been collected in late 2015, but they failed to let users know at the time about this issue.
 - By Nadeem Badshah from The Guardian


  1. Great blog. The video really backs up what you are saying and helps to understand it.

  2. Awesome blog, I feel that the last paragraph could've been explained better and in detail as to how it works.

    1. Thank you, i will definitely do that from now on thank you

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Good blog, I think that you could have made your writing a bit bigger and also reduced the spacing between the lines.

    I like how you have included photos and videos that link to your topic

    1. Thank you Chelsey for you feedback i will try and change that the now.


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