Potential Dangers of social media to individuals by Melissa

In this new generation it is not uncommon to see the majority of people sitting on their phones, usually on social media. We use them when we’re bored, unhappy, angry and joyful or any other emotion you can think of but what are the dangers of using social media? There are now a plethora of dangers when using social media, not just physical/mental injury but a potential to hurt your own future because of what you post. 
On social media it is easy to get lost in the “crowd” and end up not knowing who you are, that is one of the biggest mental injuries you can sustain. Scrolling through social media and not comparing yourself to everyone else’s accomplishments is extremely hard, you’ll try to imitate their success and end up losing yourself in the process. "Those who follow the crowd, usually end up lost in it" 

In this day and age it is easy for anyone to use your pictures and pretend they are you, this could end up getting you into a lot of trouble as you never know what they might say as you. They could take your pictures and you will never know where they end up. Alaskan governor Sarah Palins was a victim of this, on Twitter this Alaskan official had many fake accounts created in her name. One fake account wrote about an open party in her family home, security teams had to be dispatched to her home to deter everyone from entering.    

Now for the physical injuries, all of your information is online for everyone to see. This can be extremely dangerous because you never know who can see your information, anything could happen to your, your family or your friends from one slip of a finger. 
This video shows the dangers of social media, in this we see a grown man who had created a fake Facebook profile of a young male. Watching this video we can see that there is real danger and how you never know who you are really talking to. Anything can happen when you put all of your information, pictures, likes and dislikes online. Children as young as 10 maybe even younger now have different social media accounts but they have no clue on how to properly conduct themselves on the internet or how to keep themselves safe. It is actually illegal for children under the age of 13, this is because of COPPA's (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act) which states that a child under 13 cannot sign up for a website that collect personal information. 


  1. Well done Melissa. A good blog post with information which is relevant to the subject you were allocated. I think that you have understood you topic and were able to make the potential dangers of social media come across very well.

    Just for future reference I don't think there is a need for your post to have 2 headings.

    I like that you have asked a number of questions throughout your post, this will make the people reading your post think about your subject more seriously.

    1. Thank you, I will keep all this in mind for future reference.

  2. Well done.But just some extra information now on Facebook if someone isn't your friend you can put your photos on privacy settings that only you and your friends can see it.Another danger could be videos can be posted of you and may not be able to remove it .

    1. Thank you Amanda, this is great extra information.

  3. Well written and easy to understand, I enjoyed watching the video and learning how easy it is for people to be manipulated.
    Only thing I would advice is make sure your font is all one size as I struggled to read a few paragraphs, but it was still well executed. Good Job!!

    1. Thank you Freya, the font sizes were out of my hands. Will try to update this blog post with all the same size of font.

    2. Easy to read much better to understand, though I would have liked to have read on scams a bit more.

  4. Loved watching the video and learning about dangers to social media. I didn't realise it was that easy to be fooled by them. Fantastic information.

    1. Thank you Caitlin, it is quite surprising how easy it is to fool someone nowadays.


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