Societal Issues Raised By Social Media by Melissa

Social media and it's users are a rapidly growing community and it continues to grow everyday. Currently 2.46 billion people use social media and as of April 2018 Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. 

Social media has many benefits like keeping in contact with people from around the world or keeping up to date with everything that's going on with the world. 

In the years that all social media platforms have began to rise up in popularity there is also a rise in online crimes. From stolen identities to fake accounts, social media has helped crime as you can never really tell who it is behind the screen. It is very easy to be anonymous online, you can use different names and pictures, often people will feel that they can't be touched as they are invincible online. 

As most of society has Facebook or Twitter it is not uncommon to see videos or pictures of a violent nature, at one point in time it was a trend for a group of people  to violently beat a singular person whilst filming it and publishing this on various different social media networks.

Link to 7 Most Common Facebook Crimes 

A few years ago in Cleveland, Ohio a man called Steve Stephens uploaded a video of himself killing an elderly neighbour; Goodwin. Police launched a nationwide manhunt for Stephens, who ended up shooting himself live on Facebook after being pursued by police. The video of Godwin's murder was up for about two hours before being taken down by Facebook executives. 
After many incidents involving Facebook this has brought on a new trend of "performance crime".

"Performance crime" is when a group or an individual videos or live-stream's themselves committing a crime and then shares this video onto several different social media platforms.

In recent years, sexual assaults, random attacks and murders have been uploaded to social media platforms, sometimes drawing large audiences. Early 2017 Chicago police arrested four people for torturing a teen and live-streaming it onto Facebook. 


  1. Post was great! So much information which has been very well been researched and great evidences shown from images, links and videos.

    1. Thank you, this subject was really eye-opening and quite fascinating to research!!

  2. Well written can see you have done your research! I liked the link to back up your statement, though I'm not sure if your missing information under the last picture as their is white lines. I have also noticed it is through the document as well. Good blogg.

    1. Thank you for the compliment, as for the white lines I have not missed information and I do not know why the blog has given me white lines. Will try to fix this problem:)

  3. Good blog with good information. You can tell that you have did a lot of research on your topic.

  4. The way that we can fix these societal issues is by monitoring everything we put up. Social media sites such as twitter, Facebook, etc should all have a department where they sit and monitor everything that a person is saying and doing to ensure that there is no signs of hacking or unacceptable content. There should also be home monitoring for people with younger children who use these sites to ensure that the children haven't been messaged through paedophile rings or bullying. There is so many ways that we can fix these societal issues but monitoring can be one of the ways that it can ensure safety online.

    1. Even with these people monitoring everything we say and post there would still be these viscous crimes. They may not include social media but we as the human species are basically animals and there would still be crime, look at television these days-full of violence and war!

    2. I partly agree with you but I believe that social media sites should be more stricter on their security systems so that they can try and find a way in which younger children cannot make a profile. Although the age limit for social media sites are normally 13 years old there have been times where I know first hand that children under this age have put in a fake date of birth so that it looks like they are the correct age when they are not.

      I believe that if there was a system in place whereby there was a way in which you can check a persons correct age there could possibly be a lower chance of young children getting roped into paedophile rings because older children might actually understand that these people are nasty and they would hopefully be more aware of how wrong what they do is.

      Although these are the reasons I don't agree I do agree that monitoring social media posts is a good way to move forward to try and erase these societal issues.

    3. I can see were you are coming from Caitlin and chelsey, but I agree with Melissa. It is a breach of personal data and can effect our right of free speech as we would end up monitoring our self and not feeling able to act the way we are meant to. Regardless of if we were monitored people would always find a way to rebel so why give them that option when they can just speak how they feel and can be a more of a control of there emotions as they can speak and act how they wish on social media.



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